There is nothing better really, than a photo of food on Instagram. Especially when done right! Since I like food and like to share what I’m eating, I’ve had to learn a few things to improve my food photography for Instagram. And today, I thought I’d share

3 tips to improve your food photography for Instagram

 1. Find the light: Just like with your DSLR, light matters. Even more so with your mobile camera. Turn off your overhead lights, find a window and place your food near it. I placed this bowl of salad next to a window in my dining room and turned off the overhead lights.
2. Remember the rules of composition: Just because it’s Instagram doesn’t mean you can’t follow the basic rules of composition. It’s even more important! Here, I used the rule of thirds to make this bowl of cherries more interesting since the photo was really minimalistic with just the cherries for a pop of color.
3. What’s the story? Tell a story with your food photography. Are you having dinner with friends? Is it a big event? Is your plate empty because it smelled so good that you didn’t stop to take a photo? In this photo, I made gluten free granola for the first time. I was excited because not only was it good, but being gluten free meant Pookah could eat it too.
Hope that helps! I can’t wait to see your photos on Instagram and your food photos on your blogs!


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